Yuva Lakshya Multi-Purpose Organisation, has undertaken social work during the reporting period. During the reporting period of each year, the organization has been continuously moving in this direction by keeping the goal of working continuously for the poor, young people, women, farmers, students, and children. In accordance with this, the following activities have been implemented by the organization during the reporting period.

School Activities

During the reporting period, school activities were undertaken on behalf of the institution. And in this activity, a program of distribution of educational materials to the students of the school was conducted in the school. The workers of the organization collected school materials from donors with the aim of preventing the students of the area from going to school without school materials. And the activity of distribution of school materials was carried out by dignitaries.

Snack Distribution Activities

In this year's Diwali too, Diwali Faral was distributed with the aim of making their Diwali sweet to the financially deprived and needy people. This program was conducted in the presence of various dignitaries and government officials. The president, secretary and workers of the organization were present on this occasion

Tree Plantation Program Activities

Every year the organization undertakes a tree plantation initiative to protect the environment. And this year also the tree plantation program was done by dignitaries. During the reporting period, the organization played the role of an environmental friend and planted trees. Dignitaries attended the event. The workers of the organization themselves did the work of digging pits for planting rabun saplings.

Women's Organization Activities

When a woman is oppressed by injustice. The wrongdoers are not strangers. They are related. Female power should be created to break him. The organization of women is important in order to break the injustice and abuse that is done to them, and also to stand a fight against the undesirable, customs and traditions of the society. With the same thought in mind, a women's meeting was held and a small effort was made on behalf of the organization during the reporting period to unite women's power by distributing Tilagul.

Anganwadi, Balwadi Balzumbad Activities

During the reporting period, Balzumbad activities were implemented in the Anganwadi / Balwadi in the city so that the boys and girls in the Anganwadi, Balwadi should enjoy playing, dancing, singing, and add to their personality development. This activity was implemented to give scope to the artistic qualities of children and their latent qualities. And on this occasion prizes were distributed to the students by dignitaries.

Information and Technology, Promotion and Dissemination Activities

During the reporting period of this year, Yuva Lakshya, a multi-purpose charitable organization, launched an initiative to promote education technology. Science professors were invited to provide information and broadcast information in this program. The students were given information about technology, and the students were guided about the need for information and technology today. At the end of the program, the students were greeted and the program was concluded.

An initiative to Inform Farmers About New Technologies

Most of the agriculture in our country is done with the help of bullocks. Due to the traditional farming method, the effort and time of the farmers is wasted. Agriculture should be done for business, as an industry. In order to change it, the farmers should adopt new technologies in agriculture, so that the farmers should know the new technologies on behalf of the organization, an awareness campaign was carried out in the villages. An initiative was taken for the farmers to learn new technologies. The workers of the organization worked day and night for this.

Prohibition Activities

Due to the alcoholism of the family leader, the family suffers.. Due to lack of income, the children have to beg. The world is eclipsed. Many worlds are exposed due to alcohol addiction. Children are deprived of education. Therefore, during the reporting period, the workers of the organization went door to door on behalf of the organization, where the addicts live. He preached to them and told them about the ill effects of alcohol addiction. Also, desperate efforts were made to go to the families of the addicts and request them to get rid of the addiction.

Rehabilitation of Child Labour

During the reporting period, the workers of the organization have made a desperate effort to rehabilitate the child labourers. During this reporting period, hotels, brick kilns, khatikkhanas, scrap shops etc. Visited the places and met child laborers and their parents and changed their minds. And by telling the principal, the work of rehabilitating him in his previous school was done like every year. As a result, the organization has succeeded in rehabilitating nearly 60 child laborers in the last two years.

Organization Activities of Unorganized Workers

In the world we always see the struggle of workers against capitalists. This class conflict can be seen through poverty/richness. Workers are working in every sector in the country. Workers are seen in different professions such as agriculture, construction, brick kilns, general labour, factories, municipalities. And all these are unorganized. The organization is constantly trying to build their organization. What should be the wages of workers, what should be the hours of work. The workers were visited and inquired about this and efforts were made to find a way out of this issue.